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  • How can I place an order?
    To place an order, call or text Ryan, Dennon, or Deb in order to finalize your order details. Their information will be found under the section "Call or Text for Quote".
  • How long will it take to receive my order?
    Generally it will take 2-3 weeks depending on the time of year and the size of an order. Back orders may be subject to take longer, but we will inform you if this is the case.
  • Am I able to order a sample?
    Yes! Please call or text either Ryan, Dennon, or Deb in order to ask for a sample. Please note that samples are for sizings and to allow yourself to see what it looks and feels like in person, they are not giveaways.
  • Are quotes free?
    Yes! Send an email to either Ryan, Dennon or Deb (emails found in section "About Us/Contact") and they will provide you with pricing. Be as specific as you can when it comes to locations, whether you'd like embroidery or screening, and what kind of clothing you're looking for.
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